What is a Group Buy/Pre-order/Extras?Updated 2 years ago
There are three phases to our Group Buy sets
Group Buy - Customers join the Group Buy and we send an order to the manufacturer to produce against customer demand - lowest price point/not in stock
Group Buys are a method of sale similar to a pre-order. Payments are collected ahead of time in order to submit a bulk order to a manufacturer for production. Due to this, there is often an extended timeline from the order date to when the product is shipped out, with these timelines ranging from a couple weeks to several months. In all Group Buys posted here on the site I will include on the order page an estimated timeline for production and shipment.
Pre-order - Customers can join a Pre-order which will have limited slots open of Extra quantities we added on top of the Group Buy quantity - higher price point/not in stock
A Pre-Order is a limited allocation (10-15%) of our Extra's for a Group Buy. Pre-orders are at a slightly higher price point than Group Buys but are at a lower price than an Extra. They are a limited quantity and also ship out/delivered at the same time as the Group Buy which is why they are priced higher. Pre-orders become available to order normally a few months before our shipment arrives. Extra's are not typically available until a few weeks or months after the Group Buy has been shipped out.
Extras - Customers can purchase in-stock keycaps - These are Extra quantities that we have after shipping all Group Buy and Pre-orders - highest price point/in stock
Extra's are a limited quantity typically available for purchase a few weeks or a couple months after the original Group Buy has been shipped out. These are no longer at the lower Group Buy price point as they were not part of the original bulk order and customers no longer need to wait for the shipment. We cannot confirm quantities available until we receive the initial GB shipment.